Art by Sapphy!!
Art by Sapphy

APRIL: Will this be enough?

JUNE: uh, you know it better than me, but sure

JUNE: do you mind if i choose the music?

APRIL: Go on.

APRIL: Aw, thank you.

APRIL: Do you want the first hit?

JUNE: naw

JUNE: but it would be really cool if i lighted it in your mouth

APRIL: There.

JUNE: im so bad at using lighters with wheels

JUNE: whats even the point

JUNE: you cant even play with them

JUNE: okay that like burns

APRIL: Thank you.

APRIL: Do you think you will finally get high?

JUNE: i hope so

JUNE: but im just happy to be there with you

JUNE: the process itself makes me really calm

APRIL: yeah

APRIL: there you go

A lot of time has passed since then, but June still counts her hits. 3 on the first rotation, 5 on the second, 8 on the third, and optionally more. Sometimes she thinks shes just there to compensate for the others trips.

JUNE: do you mind if i play my faves and maybe sing along

APRIL: Not at all!

JUNE: god i really love this song

JUNE: uh

JUNE: nobody wwants to talk to me

JUNE: but everyone wwants to wwalk wwith me

JUNE: and i always been that kid

JUNE: maybe i wont be if i live

JUNE: long enough, but i think imma just die now

APRIL: You good?

JUNE: yeah its been a while since i teared up

JUNE: this song always gives me chills

JUNE: there

JUNE: fuck

JUNE: uhh well

JUNE: we can fall apart, start over again

JUNE: nobody kn

JUNE: nobody knows one thing about me

JUNE: everyone doubts me

JUNE: but imma make it all come true

JUNE: and i do it for you

JUNE: this song is so beautiful

APRIL: Yeah.

JUNE: i started listening to him after we met first

JUNE: it reminds me of you

JUNE: and it made me miss you less

JUNE: sorry

APRIL: Oh June its fine!

APRIL: Sorry I'm not so great at comfort.

APRIL: Want a hug?

JUNE: please

JUNE: sometimes i just think to myself

JUNE: and im so fucking alone

JUNE: i have yall

JUNE: but what if i fuck something up

JUNE: or

JUNE: or you get tired of me stimming and doing your drugs

JUNE: i feel so disgusting sometimes

JUNE: like a leech

JUNE: sorry

JUNE: its still kind of new

JUNE: talking about what i feel

APRIL: I get that, honestly I do.

APRIL: And I prolly won't change your mind, but these are just thoughts in your head.

APRIL: I don't think them.

APRIL: Neither does May or March.

APRIL: Or any worthy person really.

JUNE: thank you

JUNE: can i

APRIL: Sure.

JUNE: thanks for being here so much

APRIL: It's no biggie ^_^

JUNE: also i wanted to play stop smoking since forever

JUNE: i should listen to twin fantasy way more

APRIL: Yeah that album is dope.

APRIL: Is it just me or there are shadow figures around?

JUNE: its just the two of us

JUNE: theres nobody here

APRIL: What if my mom came home?

JUNE: shes far away

APRIL: I still get memories.

APRIL: It was supposed to be the best summer of my life and i spent half of it in a fucking hospital.

JUNE: yeah

JUNE: im sorry

JUNE: i felt so helpless

JUNE: and also full of guilt because we hanged out but i didnt do anything

JUNE: also sorry for putting myself into this as well but thats all i can do basically

APRIL: It's not your fault.

APRIL: My mom was just looking for an excuse to send me to that place.

APRIL: I felt alone as well.

APRIL: I thought I was going to be forgotten or some shit.

APRIL: Didn't mean to dump you my bad.

JUNE: no its fine

JUNE: i like it when you talk

APRIL: Thats cute.

JUNE: but yeah when i was hospitalized it sucked so bad

APRIL: Let's forget that.

APRIL: For now.

JUNE: yeah

JUNE: are you hungry

APRIL: Kinda.

JUNE: thats cute

JUNE: anyway we have these things laid out there for a reason

JUNE: or whatever nerds would say

JUNE: im glad we went to your place because we never have these around

JUNE: i eat fucking raw noodles

APRIL: You look like a person who would eat raw noodles.

JUNE: ill take that as a compliment


JUNE: sorry but how do yall live like this

JUNE: my bones hurt so bad from the frame and im not even underweight

APRIL: First, yes you are,

APRIL: And its not that bad.

APRIL: You can lie against me if you want to.

JUNE: really?

APRIL: Yeah.

JUNE: i feel so bad about physical affection

JUNE: not that i dont want it

JUNE: i just always assume the other person thinks im gross

JUNE: and doesnt want me around

APRIL: We talked about this before, June.

APRIL: But before you babble about nonsense again, sleep.

APRIL: My girl.

JUNE: you never called me a girl before let alone yours

JUNE: im truly flattered

APRIL: You mentioned it i think.

APRIL: And the way you sleep is so cute.

JUNE: thank you its because i was afraid of demons

JUNE: and neurodivergency possibly

APRIL: Isn't that the same thing?

JUNE: so true

JUNE: good night

JUNE: sleep well

APRIL: You too!!!
